首页 >> 国家部委政策 >>国务院 >>车辆船舶 >> 外国籍非军用船舶通过琼州海峡管理规则



  第一条 根据《中华人民共和国政府关于领海的声明》,琼州海峡是中国的内海,一切外国籍军用船舶不得通过,一切外国籍非军用船舶如需通过,必须按照本规则的规定申请批准。

  第二条 为便利对琼州海峡进行管理,设“中华人民共和国琼州海峡管理处”(以下简称琼州海峡管理处)。


  第三条 琼州海峡管理处对琼州海峡管理的区域(以下简称管理区)暂定如下:木栏头灯桩(约北纬20度09分37秒、东经110度41分)与生狗吼沙灯桩(约北纬20度26分、东经110度30分22秒)联线(简称东线)以西,▲尾角灯桩(约北纬20度13分30秒、东经109度55分30秒)与临高角灯桩(约北纬20度00分22秒、东经109度42分06秒)联线(简称西线)以东的水域。

  第四条 外国籍非军用船舶如需通过琼州海峡,必须办理以下手续:




  第五条 琼州海峡管理处对于已经批准通过海峡的外国籍非军用船舶,认为必要时,可以临时通知禁止通过。

  第六条 外国籍非军用船舶通过管理区的时间,一律以白天为限,均应在日出后进入管理区,日落前全部通过管理区。琼州海峡管理处根据申请过峡外国籍非军用船舶的航速,核准其进出海峡的具体时间。

  第七条 外国籍非军用船舶进出琼州海峡一律走中水道,但经琼州海峡管理处特别许可的不在此限。

  第八条 外国籍非军用船舶通过管理区时,应在下列规定的航区范围内航行:自东线距木栏头灯桩四海里处至西线距临高角灯桩四海里处联线以北,自东线距木栏头灯桩六海里处至排尾角灯桩正南四海里处继至西线距临高角灯桩十四海里处联线以南的水域。

  第九条 外国籍非军用船舶通过琼州海峡,必须严格按照所报时间及规定的航区通行。在进入管理区和在管理区通行时,如见有从岸上或舰艇上发出的信号,应立即回答并无条件地执行信号要求。由于不遵守上述规定而发生的后果概由船方自行负责。

  第十条 外国籍非军用船舶通过琼州海峡时,不得使用雷达。如在航行中遇浓雾、暴雨等视线恶劣的情况,需要使用雷达时,应向琼州海峡管理处提出报告,说明理由以及当时的船位、航速等,经批准后方准使用。如当时情况紧急,危及船舶航行安全时,可以一面申报一面使用,并在事后,将使用起迄时间和经过情况详细报告琼州海峡管理处备案。

  第十一条 外国籍非军用船舶通过琼州海峡时,不准进行照像、测量以及其他违反中华人民共和国法令的行为。

  第十二条 外国籍非军用船舶违反本规则,按下列规定处理:




  Important Notice: (注意事项)英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.

  This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF


  (1991.7) which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of

  the State Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published

  by the China Legal System Publishing House. In case of discrepancy, the

  original version in Chinese shall prevail.

  Whole Document (法规全文)



  State Council on June 8, 1964)

  Article 1

  According to

  the Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China

  concerning the Territorial Waters, the Qiongzhou Strait is an inland

  sea of China, which is closed to all military vessels of

  foreign nationality. Non-military vessels of foreign nationality to

  pass through the Strait must be subject to an application for approval

  according to the provisions of these Rules.

  Article 2

  The Qiongzhou Strait Administrative Office of the People's Republic

  of China (hereinafter referred to as "the Qiongzhou Strait

  Administrative Office") shall be set up to facilitate the administration

  of the Qiongzhou Strait.

  These Rules shall be implemented under the supervision of the Qiongzhou Strait Administrative Office.

  Article 3

  The area under the administration of the Qiongzhou Strait

  Administrative Office with respect to the Qiongzhou Strait (hereinafter

  referred to as the administrative area) is tentatively delimited as

  follows: the water area west of the line (the east line for short)

  linking the Mulantou Lamp Stake (approximately north latitude

  20x09'37", east longitude 110x41') and the Shenggouhousha Lamp Stake

  (approximately north latitude 20x26', east longitude 110x31'22") and

  east of the line (the west line for short) linking the Jiaoweijiao Lamp

  Stake (approximately north latitude 20x13'30", east longitude

  109x55'30") and the Lingaojiao Lamp Stake (approximately north latitude

  20x00'22", east longitude 109x42'06").

  Article 4

  Non-military vessels of foreign nationality that need to pass through

  the Qiongzhou Strait must go through the following formalities:

  (1) Report in detail by telegram such information as the ship's

  name, nationality, gross tonnage, speed, hull colour, funnel marks,

  date and time and port of departure, port of destination, etc. to

  the Qiongzhou Strait Administrative Office and ask for permission to

  pass through the Strait 48 hours before entering the administrative

  area or before leaving the port of departure.

  (2) Report

  accurately, after receiving the notice of approval for passing through

  the Strait, the time of entering the administrative area to the

  Qiongzhou Strait Administrative Office 24 hours before entering

  the administrative area, or within 2 hours of weighing anchor at the

  port of departure. The above-mentioned telegrams concerning request and

  approval for passing through the Strait shall all be conveyed through

  the Haikou Branch of the China Ocean-shipping Agency Corporation.

  Article 5

  When deemed necessary, the Qiongzhou Strait Administrative Office may

  send a summary notice to forbid a non-military vessel of foreign

  nationality which has obtained the approval to pass through the Strait.

  Article 6 [*1]

  All non-military vessels of foreign nationality to pass through

  the administrative area shall do so without exception within daytime.

  All of them must enter the administrative area after sunrise and leave

  it before sunset. The Qiongzhou Strait Administrative Office shall

  check and approve the exact time for entering and leaving the Strait

  according to the speed of the non-military vessels of foreign

  nationality which have applied to pass through the Strait.

  Article 7

  Except those which have obtained special permission from the

  Qiongzhou Strait Administrative Office, all non-military vessels

  of foreign nationality entering and leaving the Qiongzhou Strait must

  use the middle water course.

  Article 8


  vessels of foreign nationality passing through the

  administrative area shall navigate in the following prescribed area:

  north of the line linking the point on the east four nautical miles

  from the Mulantou Lamp Stake and the point on the west four nautical

  miles from the Lingaojiao Lamp Stake, and south of the line linking the

  point on the east six nautical miles from the Mulantou Lamp Stake

  and the point four nautical miles due south of the Paiweijiao Lamp

  Stake and then the point on the west 14 nautical miles from the

  Lingaojiao Lamp Stake.

  Article 9

  Non-military vessels of

  foreign nationality to pass through the Qiongzhou Strait must do so in

  strict accordance with the reported time and the prescribed area.

  If they see any signals sent from ashore or naval vessels while they are

  navigating into or within the administrative area, they shall give

  an immediate reply and unconditionally carry out the

  instructions conveyed by the signals. Any consequences arising

  from failure to observe the above-mentioned stipulations shall be borne

  by the vessels themselves.

  Article 10


  vessels of foreign nationality passing through the Qiongzhou Strait

  shall not use radars. If it is necessary to use the radar in case of

  dense fog, rainstorm, or other bad conditions affecting visibility, the

  vessels shall report to the Qiongzhou Strait Administrative Office

  to explain the necessity and report their positions, speeds and

  other information. They may use the radar only after obtaining

  permission. In case of an emergency endangering navigational safety of

  the vessels, they may use the radar while making the reports; and after

  the emergency, the vessels shall make a detailed report concerning

  the length of time for using the radar and the whole course of the

  incident to the Qiongzhou Strait Administrative Office for the


  Article 11

  Photographs, surveys or other

  activities violating the relevant laws and regulations of the People's

  Republic of China are forbidden when non-military vessels of

  foreign nationality pass through the Qiongzhou Strait.

  Article 12

  Where non-military vessels of foreign nationality violate these Rules, the cases shall be dealt with as prescribed below:

  (1) Those vessels that have not yet entered the administrative area

  may be ordered not to enter but to go back by the original route and

  navigate round the Hainan Island; or they may be ordered to go

  through the necessary formalities for approval before passing through

  the Strait.

  (2) Those vessels that have entered the

  administrative area may be ordered to stop navigation and taken to the

  Haikou Harbour for inspection, the result of which shall determine

  the penalty to be given. The Qiongzhou Strait Administrative Office

  may then, depending on circumstances, allow the vessels to pass

  through the administrative area, or order them to go back, or even

  send them under escort out of the Strait.


  [*1] On

  April 17, 1985, upon approval of the State Council and the Central

  Military Commission, this Article was amended as follows:

  "Non-military vessels of foreign nationality may pass through the Strait

  upon receiving notice of approval, but their speed may not exceed 10

  knots when they are navigating into and within the administrative

  area." - The Editor.

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