


第 99 号


公安部部长 孟建柱

民用航空总局局长 李家祥




        第一条  为维护中华人民共和国国家安全,便利国际航班及搭乘国际航班的人员入境、出境,根据《中华人民共和国出境入境边防检查条例》,制定本办法。

        第二条  经营国际航班的航空公司(以下简称航空公司),应当按照本办法完整、准确、及时地向有关出入境边防检查站预报载运的旅客、机组人员信息。

        第三条  航空公司预报信息的内容包括:航班载运旅客和机组人员的姓名、国籍、性别、出生日期、护照证件号码、护照证件有效期截止日期、人员类别。

        第四条  航空公司应当按照公安部出入境管理机构规定的格式,通过国际航空电讯协会SITA网络或者国际互联网将预报信息发送至公安部出入境管理机构指定的地址。

        第五条  入境航班航程在两小时以上的,航空公司应当在航班抵达入境口岸的一小时三十分钟前预报信息;航程不足两小时的,航空公司应当在航班抵达入境口岸的四十分钟前预报信息。


        第六条  航空公司按照规定预报信息的,出入境边防检查站和中国民用航空管理部门应当对其经营的国际航班及其载运的旅客、机组人员入境、出境提供便利。

        第七条  航空公司未按规定预报信息的,由出入境边防检查站对航空公司依法予以处罚。航空公司有证据证明因基础设施不具备或者网络故障等客观原因未能按规定预报信息的,可以不予处罚;有证据证明已采取必要措施确保预报信息准确性的,可以从轻或者减轻处罚,初次违反预报信息规定或者情节特别轻微的,可以不予处罚,但应当责令其改正。




        第八条  航空公司拒不执行出入境边防检查站处罚决定的,中国民用航空管理部门有权对其经营的航班入境、出境采取相应限制措施,出入境边防检查站有权推迟或者阻止该航空公司经营的航班入境、出境。

        第九条  本办法下列用语的含义:



        第十条  经营往来内地与香港、澳门特别行政区以及往来大陆与台湾地区航班的航空公司预报载运人员信息按照本办法执行。

        第十一条  本办法所称以上、以下均包括本数。

        第十二条  本办法自二OO八年五月一日起施行。


Decree of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic ofChinaand Civil Aviation Administration of the People's Republic ofChina



No. 99



The Measures for the Implementation of Advance Information of Personnel on Board of the International Flights , adopted at the Ministerial Meeting of the Ministry of Public Security on February 13, 2008 and consented to by Civil Aviation Administration, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of May 1, 2008.


                                                        Minister of the Ministry of Public Security


                                           Administrator of Civil Aviation Administration


March 12, 2008

  Measures for the Implementation of Advance Information of Personnel on Board of the International Flights


                   Article 1     These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic ofChinaon Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection, for the purposes of safeguarding the national security of the People’s Republic ofChinaand providing exit and entry clearance facilitation for international flights and their passengers.

                   Article 2     The aviation companies operating international flights (hereinafter referred to as aviation companies) shall, in accordance with these Measures, report the advance information of personnel on board to the relevant exit-entry immigration inspection stations completely, accurately and without delay.

                   Article 3     The information reported by the aviation companies shall include the following contents of the passengers and crew members on board of the flights: the names, nationalities, genders, dates of birth, passport or other exit-entry document numbers, expiry dates of the validity of passport or other exit-entry documents and personnel types.

                   Article 4     The aviation companies shall, in accordance with the format prescribed by the exit-entry administrative organ under the Ministry of Public Security, send the information to the address designated by the exit-entry administrative organ under the Ministry of Public Security through the SITA network or the internet.

                   Article 5     Where the voyage of an incoming flight takes more than two hours, the aviation company shall report the information one hour and 30 minutes before the flight arrives at the port of entry; where the voyage of an incoming flight takes less than two hours, the aviation company shall report the information 40 minutes before the flight arrives at the port of entry.

                   For an outgoing flight, the aviation company shall report the information before the passengers and crew members on board go through the exit immgration inspection procedures.

                   Article 6     Where an aviation company reports the information in accordance with the provisions, the exit-entry immigration inspection station and the administrative department of civil aviation ofChinashall provide facilitation for the entry and exit of the international flights under its operation and the passengers and crew members on board.

                   Article 7     Where an aviation company fails to report the information in accordance with the provisions, the exit-entry immigration inspection station shall impose a punishment according to law. Where the aviation company has proof that its failure in reporting the information is due to objective reasons such as incomplete infrastructures and network failures, it may not be punished; where the aviation company has proof that it has taken necessary measures to ensure the accuracy of the reported information, it may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment. Where the aviation company acts in violation of the provisions on information reporting for the first time or the violation is minor, the exit-entry immigration inspection station may not impose any punishment but shall order it to make corrections.

                   Where the information about not more than ten of the passengers and crew members of a single flight reported by an aviation company is inaccurate, the aviation company shall be imposed a fine of 10,000 Yuan. Where the information about more than ten of the passengers and crew members of a single flight reported by an aviation company is inaccurate, the aviation company shall be imposed a fine of 1,000 Yuan for the inaccurate information about each additional passenger or crew member beyond ten, but the total fine shall be not more than 30,000 Yuan.

                   Where an aviation company fails to report the information within the prescribed time limit, it shall be imposed a fine of not less than 10,000 Yuan nor more than 30,000 Yuan.

                   Where a single flight of an aviation company falls within the circumstances provided for in the second and the third paragraphs of this Article at the same time, the decisions on punishment shall be made separately but shall be executed concurrently, and the total of the concurrently executed fines shall be not more than 30,000 Yuan.

                   Article 8     Where an aviation company refuses to accept the decision on punishment made by the exit-entry immigration inspection station, the administrative department of civil aviation of China shall have the right to take relevant restrictive measures against the entry and exit of the flights under its operation, and the exit-entry immigration inspection station shall have the right to postpone or forbid the entry and exit of the flights under the aviation company’s operation.  

                   Article 9     As used in these Measures, the following phrases shall have the meanings as follows:

                   “Passport or other exit-entry document number” refers to the number of the valid passport or other exit-entry document provided for by the laws and administration regulations of the People’s Republic ofChinaheld by a passenger or a crew member.

                   “Personnel type” refers to passenger or crew member.

                   Article 10   These Measures shall be applicable to the Advance Information of Personnel on Board of the International Flights of the aviation companies operating flights travelling to and from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region and flights travelling to and fromTaiwan.

                   Article 11   As used in these Measures, when “more than”, “not more than”, “less than” or “not less than” is used to indicate a threshold number, a floor or a ceiling, the number that ensues any of them is also included.

                   Article 12   These Measures shall go into effect as of May 1, 2008.



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